SEDA or Student Entrepreneurship Development Academy’s missions are to promote and develop entrepreneurial skills and mindset mainly for students and staffs at Suranaree University of technology through courses, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. SEDA had designed and developed many types of activities to inspire, mobilize, and pre-incubate students and academic entrepreneurship. Moreover, SEDA is adopting UN SDGs as the themes for students to work with.  

  • INSPIRATION : Activities to raise awareness and inspiration
    • SUT Startup life
    • SUT Startup Talk

  • MOBILIZATION : Activities to develop ideas and skills in Innovation development and entrepreneurship 
    • SUT Global Entrepreneurship Camp
    • SUT Design Thinking
    • SUT Ideathon Camp
    • SUT Startup Camp
    • SUT Hackathon
    • SUT Social Innovation camp